Thursday, 26 March 2009


Number Mapping.

The office is undergoing ongoing refurbishment, which makes for frequent moves of entire departments at a time. To coordinate the receptionists/phone managers deal with all the phone numbers in the building. Before a move, they go round the floor with a map of desks and names, and take note of the phone number. So that once the person has moved the number should automatically be mapped to the phone that is on the new desk they end up at. I wonder about the logic, for the most part they have a directory of names and numbers – so the theory should be that they already have everyone’s numbers already. Of course, in practice, there will be exceptions - contractors, vagrants, resurrectees but they should be in the minority. Regardless, the two women in purple blouses, black cardigans and shock blonde hair take a side of the floor each, working down from desk to desk. She asks my number and I point at the post-it. Hmm, well, if you don’t mind, I’m going to check that. She phones reception, can you tell me what number this is? She notes it, you were right! I know, just because I can’t remember it doesn’t mean I don’t know what it is. Though, as they go round, its amazing how many people have been sitting for weeks at a desk, and have no idea what their number is. She slaps my back, hard, in congratulation and moves on, my back is still pulsing from the blow.

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