Sunday 10 May 2009


There Ain't No Sunshine

The book shop stays open later than most other places, so it attracts all kinds of transients, people waiting for people, people waiting for other things to open, people just after books, or coffee. They play music, like a lot of places, just that background stuff. Tonight its gone from the Beatles to Bill Withers, “There ain’t no sunshine when she gone” he sings, or something like that. Two teenage girls stop in the middle of the store and start to dance, quite full on, waving their arms around, shuffling round each other, grinning and laughing. Four other boys and girls appear from the back of the shop to catch up with them and the girls shrug as the group continues to make its way through the shop. But they can’t resist waving their arms round each others shoulder and doing a semi-conga as they go.

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